Official Controls Qualification
(Veterinary) OCQ(V)

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You need to register before you can pay and access the OCQ(V)s. There is a one-off fee for registration.

Registration £59 + VAT
  • Final year veterinary students will receive a £10 discount.
  • Registration must be done on an individual basis.
  • Large practices may apply for a Practice Code to enable group invoicing facilities. This must be agreed in advance with Improve International and is at our discretion.
  • Scottish Government funding: Prospective and revalidating SS (Statutory Surveillance) and TT (Tuberculin Testing) OVs working in Scotland may be eligible to claim a Scottish Government funded code for registration and enrolment on these courses (and their prerequisite courses). For further information, please click here or email


The OCQ(V)s are priced as follows:

Course Course description Fee
OCQ(V) - ES Essential Skills * £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - EX Exports General £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - CA Companion Animals £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - AX Avian Exports £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - EQ Equine Exports £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - FA Farm Animal Exports £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - GX Germinal Products Exports £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - PX Product Exports £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - SS Statutory Surveillance * £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - SX Small Animal Exports £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - TT Tuberculin Testing online course *
Tuberculin Testing Practical Assessment
£199 + VAT
£450 + VAT #
OCQ(V) - UX Ungulate Exports £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - LX Laboratory Animal Exports £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - ZX Zoo Animal Exports £199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - CYTB Cymorth TB
Not available for enrolment until further notice
£199 + VAT
OCQ(V) - CYTB (CY) Cymorth TB (Cymru)  
Not available for enrolment until further notice
£199 + VAT

* Scottish Government funding: Prospective and current OVs working in Scotland may be eligible to claim a Scottish Government funded code for OCQ(V) - SS and OCQ(V) - TT training. For further information, please click here or email

# Payment for the OCQ(V) - TT Practical Assessment can be made when you have passed the online exam and before you book the Practical Assessment. This payment can be made direct from your Personal Training Dashboard.


There is a 10% discount available when a candidate enrols on three OCQ(V) courses. This discount only applies to individuals who are paying by debit/credit card. The courses do not have to be enrolled on at the same time – the 10% discount off the cost of all three courses will be taken off the third course enrolled on. Any subsequent courses enrolled on will also have a 10% discount applied. Revalidation courses are not included in the offer.


The revalidation courses are priced as follows:

Course Course description Fee
OCQ(V) - ESr Essential Skills revalidation # (£99 + VAT)
OCQ(V) - EXr Exports General revalidation # (£99 + VAT)
OCQ(V) - CAr Companion Animals revalidation £99 + VAT
OCQ(V) - AXr Avian Exports revalidation £99 + VAT
OCQ(V) - EQr Equine Exports revalidation £99 + VAT
OCQ(V) - FAr Farm Animal Exports revalidation £99 + VAT
OCQ(V) - GXr Germinal Products Exports revalidation £99 + VAT
OCQ(V) - PXr Product Exports revalidation £99 + VAT
OCQ(V) - SSr Statutory Surveillance revalidation * £99 + VAT
OCQ(V) - SXr Small Animal Exports revalidation £99 + VAT
OCQ(V) - TTr Tuberculin Testing revalidation * £99 + VAT
OCQ(V) - UXr Ungulate Exports revalidation £99 + VAT

# Revalidation content for ES and EX is now included as part of the revalidation of qualifications for which ES or ES/EX are prerequisites. OVs only need to pay to revalidate ES separately if it is the only qualification held. OVs only need to pay to revalidate EX separately if ES and EX are the only qualifications held (in this case ES revalidation content will be included as part of the EX revalidation).

Scottish Government funding: OVs working in Scotland may be eligible to claim a Scottish Government funded code for OCQ(V) - SSr and OCQ(V) - TTr. For further information, please click here or email

Other training

Other training courses are priced as follows:

Course Course description Fee
TBCam TB Testing Camelids £99 + VAT
TBFAO TB Farm Advice Online £99 + VAT
NDOT Notifiable Disease Outbreak Training APHA will provide a code to those asked to complete this course


If you fail the online examination, there is a fee to retake it:

Retake £49 + VAT


If you fail the OCQ(V) - TT Practical Assessment, there is a reassessment fee:

Reassessment £450 + VAT

Practice Codes

In order to set up a Practice Code, you must provide us with the following information via email:

  • Practice name
  • Practice address
  • Telephone number
  • Name of an authorised person who will administer the code (the 'nominated code holder')
  • Their email address

The nominated code holder accepts responsibility for code use within their practice.

Please note:

  • The nominated code holder has sole responsibility for distributing the code to vets in their practice.
  • To prevent misuse of the code, Improve International will never issue it to anyone other than the nominated code holder.
  • In compliance with GDPR, Improve International will not give out the details of the nominated code holder to any vet who enquires about the practice code or the nominated code holder.
  • Therefore, the nominated code holder must ensure that vets in their practice know or have some way of finding out that they are the nominated code holder and that vets must contact them to obtain the code.
  • If the nominated code holder wishes to transfer the role to someone else in their practice, they must provide Improve International with written notification of this, and the contact details of the new nominated code holder, so that we can update our records accordingly.

Once set up, the Practice Code must be entered in the 'Payment' section when vets register and/or enrol on courses. By doing this, they will bypass the card payment process and the vet will receive a confirmation email.

Invoices will be emailed to practices monthly, consolidating any registrations and enrolments made using the Practice Code in that month.

Please contact us if you have further queries.

For Animal Health Paraprofessional training, please visit:

Counts of OVs Authorised by APHA in GB




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