Official Controls Qualification
(Veterinary) OCQ(V)

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OVs Authorised by APHA in GB

The counts in the table below will be updated on the 1st of each month between 10.00 and 10.30am.

Qualification England Wales Scotland Total
OCQ(V) - AX (Avian Exports) 168 23 51 214
OCQ(V) - CA (Companion Animals) 5633 476 670 6558
OCQ(V) - EQ (Equine Exports) 645 60 62 698
OCQ(V) - ES (Essential Skills) 3801 754 844 5030
OCQ(V) - EX (Exports General) 2648 350 504 3273
OCQ(V) - FA (Farm Animal Exports) 68 14 17 98
OCQ(V) - GX (Germinal Products Exports) 99 12 14 119
OCQ(V) - LX (Laboratory Animal Exports) 6 1 4 9
OCQ(V) - PX (Product Exports) 1255 165 251 1560
OCQ(V) - SS (Statutory Surveillance) 549 154 401 1060
OCQ(V) - SX (Small Animal Exports) 331 49 96 457
OCQ(V) - TT (Tuberculin Testing) 1392 428 332 2039
OCQ(V) - UX (Ungulate Exports) 358 62 126 529
OCQ(V) - ZX (Zoo Animal Exports) 19 5 4 22
Total authorised OVs 9010 1140 1373 10960

Please note:

The total number of OVs with each qualification will not always be the sum of the OVs holding that qualification in England, Wales and Scotland. This is due to some OVs being registered in more than one country (e.g. working across the border in both England and Wales).

The figures in the 'Total authorised OVs' row will not be the sum of all OVs authorised in each qualification. This is due to the fact that some OVs hold more than one qualification. 

The OCQ(V) - TT count gives the number of fully authorised OVs. It does not include the number of OVs with conditional status who are still in training.

OVs must revalidate their qualifications every four years, at which point a certain percentage may choose not to continue with the work. Therefore, there will occasionally be noticeable changes to counts caused by groups of OVs sharing the same revalidation due date. For example, the number of OVs authorised for the OCQ(V) - AX (Avian Exports) dropped in April 2022, as the revalidation date for a group of AX OVs fell in March 2022 and a number of these OVs chose not to revalidate.

As of September 2023, the counts include OVs authorised for both OCQ(V) - ES (Essential Skills) and OCQ(V) - EX (Exports General). This will account for any jump in the number of authorised OVs between August 2023 and September 2023.

For Animal Health Paraprofessional training, please visit:

APHA's OV Instructions have moved and are now hosted by Improve International. They can be accessed using the links below:

Counts of OVs Authorised by APHA in GB




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